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Choosing your packaging

Since the commercial success of a product also depends on its packaging, you need to make the right choice of design and manufacture. Recycled cardboard boxes, mono-material paper bags or printing wit...

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Understanding the symbols on packaging

​What do the logos on packaging mean? Is this recycled polymer pouch recyclable? Is this packaging ecologically responsible? Green Dot, Möbius strip, Triman, Tidy man... All these logos provide inform...

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Everything you need to know about Doypack

Created in 1963 by Louis Doyen, CEO of Thimonnier, a French company, the Doypack pouch has continued to rise in popularity since the latest regulations imposed on brands regarding their packaging Thim...

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Packaging design

A key element in the design of a product intended for sale and its acceptance by consumers, packaging is often neglected by brands. A product's second skin, packaging design represents a brand's value...

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The main families of flexible packaging

The ins and outs of flexible packaging Often, before you see a product, you see its packaging. It's the eye-catcher on a shop shelf, the colour-setter on an exhibition table... In short, it's the pack...

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Environmentally-friendly materials

Environmentally-friendly materials in flexible packaging Corrugated cardboard, kraft paper, bio-polymer... More and more environmentally-friendly materials are being used to dress up your products. Mo...

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Flexible packaging materials

​Materials in flexible packaging In the future, especially in France, flexible packaging is here to stay. With the explosion of e-commerce and environmental issues, this is the subject of much debate....

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Manufacturing flexible packaging

Packaging, from film to flexible Whether it's made from recycled cardboard or polymer film, in stand-up pouches or Berlingots, flexible packaging can be adapted to all sectors and uses. It is material...

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Trends in cosmetics packaging

Environmentally-friendly design is the new challenge for cosmetics brands. Recyclable flexible packaging, innovative design, natural products... All about cosmetics packaging! ​The evolution of cosmet...

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