Eco-friendly packaging

Our commitment : 
ecological responsibility from the design stage

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Doypack bouchon innovant et éco conçu

Ce dont nous avons à coeur

Ecology is on everyone's lips these days; transparency and respect for values are the watchwords of more responsible consumption. At Sealester, we are committed to eco-responsible packaging, without compromising on efficiency, creativity, or appearance.

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Responsible and sustainable, but not GreenWashing !

Our convictions and our commitment to CSR are strong and sincere. Technical packaging, which protects the product, is one of the tools that can be used to extend the shelf life of contents, thereby limiting food waste.
We help our customers to adopt :

  •  a sustainable attitude, which sometimes means choosing a polymer resin that is not bio-sourced but has a well-established recycling chain, rather than compostable packaging that could lead consumers to believe that they can leave it in nature because it is compostable.
  •  a responsible attitude by working on the eco-design of packaging. This involves optimising materials and volumes.

Our aim is to help you with your polymer transition, by giving you a wide choice of materials, and therefore giving you the choice of your ecological responsibility. It's through our technology that we give you this choice, and in so doing make your products more environmentally responsible by making it easier to recycle them.

Our system uses less energy than conventional thermal sealing processes, which reduces the energy impact. The use of new eco-responsible materials and mono-materials considerably improves the recyclability of the product after use, while reducing the loss and waste of materials throughout the production chain. A gain for you, a plus for the planet.

To learn more, it's over here !

Doypack personnalisé, innovant et éco conçu

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